224 Troop Week 13


Monday 1st:

We started the day by drawing our personal weapons and subsequently loaded the Support Vehicle in readiness for Ex BAPTIST WALK. On arrival at Woodbury Common we started the exercise with one half of the troop conducting a stalk first and the other half conducting a static map reading stance. The day was followed by a night navigation serial that was carried out as an individual effort.

Tuesday 2nd:

On completion of our morning routine we had the usual field kit muster. Once complete we collapsed the camp and prepared our kit for an 8 mile load carry back to CTCRM. Once returned to camp, and with sore feet we began to restow stores and de-service our equipment.

Wednesday 3rd:

With grenade throwing timetabled for tomorrow we underwent grenade throwing lessons today, culminating in a grenade weapon handling test.

Thursday 4th:

We transited to the grenade range in Warminster, requiring a 2.5 hour coach journey and only to find it was closed! A quick ten minute leg stretch preceeded a return back to CTCRM. Once back at camp we then were subjected to an inpromtu locker inspection, where the Training Team made a shocking discovery – the majority of the troop had not de-serviced their kit properly, this resulted in the troop’s first mud run in the Exe Estuary.

Friday 5th:

The training program stated that today would be spent at the Helicopter Underwater Escape Trainer (HUET) in Yeovilton, but this was closed due to maintenance and will be conducted at a later date. With a ‘spare’ day available, the Training Team put on some extra map reading training in order to maximize our performance in the following week’s test exercise, which will decide wether we progress into Phase 2 of training.

Saturday 6th:

With Drill lessons in the morning to start the day, we then progressed onto the bottom field for a session on the assault course, with particular attention on teaching the technicalities of a rope regain.


About rmtrainingeditor

I am the official editor of the CTCRM training Diaries
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